Timothy Weah from Lille OSC, France was operated in Turku because of recurrent hamstring injury.
Timothy Weah from Lille OSC, France was operated in Turku because of recurrent hamstring injury.
Lasse Lempainen leikkasi Ousmane Dembélén takareiden Turun Mehiläisessä.
Lasse Lempaisen fysio-tiimi.
Decision of proper treatment is crucial when considering top level athlete´s career and future after injury.
After the first step (surgery or not) a well planned rehabilitation is essential to the successful end result.
Maaliskuussa 2019 hamstring repeämän leikkaus. Huolellisen kuntoutuksen jälkeen Tom on jälleen huippukunnossa.
Hamstring syndrome surgery.
Most hamstring injuries are treated conservatively with good results. However, there are cases in which surgery should be considered already in the acute phase. Also there are cases in which surgery should be considered later if non-operative treatment appears to be unsuccesful.
Proximal hamstring injuries are common in athletes. Surgical indications are based on to regain the pre-injury activity level of the athlete.
Lasse Lempainen (Pihlajalinna)