Decision of proper treatment is crucial when considering top level athlete´s career and future after injury.
After the first step (surgery or not) a well planned rehabilitation is essential to the successful end result.
Malcom was operated by orthopaedic surgeon Lasse Lempainen and assisted professor Sakari Orava.
Anesthesiologist Timo Miettinen and FC Zenit´s physiotherapist Felix Ledesma.
After 3 months well carried rehabilitation (FC Zenit staff Maria Burova, Felix Ledesma, Pavel Pleshkov and closely followed by Lempainen) Malcom´s return to field tests were organized in Turku, Finland.
Tests consisted of different sections; body mobility, core stability and balance tests, functional exercises on the field and muscle strength measurements.
Tests were evaluated by Marko Yrjövuori, Jari Hemling and Lasse Lempainen.
The final part of Malcom´s rehabilition “returning to the game” will be done with close collaboration with FC Zenit.
More on topic
- Lasse Lempainen pelastaa kirurgiveitsellä supertähtien urat, Helsingin Sanomat